Who We Are

Founded in 2010, Jam for Justice (J4J) is a non-profit organization that supports social development and well-being through music. Through its unique programs, Jam for Justice uses music in creative ways to empower individuals and communities.

Jam for Justice is administered entirely by volunteers, many of whom are students. Additionally, Jam for Justice is supported by a network of chapters across Canada. Jam for Justice has engaged thousands of participants and generated over $60,000 in proceeds for charitable causes and musicians.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support social development and well-being through music.

Our Vision

We envision a more musical world united in its support of the development and well-being of every individual.

Our Philosophy

We believe that music is a positive and powerful way to bring people together so that they may better their world.

Our Values

We believe in the power of music. We believe that human rights are fundamental to every individual. We support individual and community development. We support the betterment of human life.